Goodies from the Heart
Goodies from the Heart is a community and volunteer supported program. The program was implemented by a group of women at Day of Grace Baptist Church and has quickly grown with many other churches and organizations becoming involved. Goodies From the Heart currently serves approximately 235 Union County students. More than 60% of the children in Union County school system receive free or reduced lunch.
A large number of these children depend on the school meals as their primary source of food and therefore do not have sufficient food over the weekend. That’s why Day of Grace Baptist Church along with other churches and other organizations in our community have created this weekend food program, which sends school-aged children home with healthy, convenient meals and healthy snacks on Fridays.
A typical bag will contain items such as macaroni and cheese, cereal, oatmeal, crackers, juice, and granola bars. The packs are assembled by volunteers every week and delivered to the schools on Friday for discreet distribution.
Sunday School
We have weekly Sunday school classes for all ages. Teachers prepare weekly to teach the Bible and help increase the overall knowledge of the Word of God. This is the place we hope you can increase your understanding the most (besides personal devotion).
Day of Grace encourages all members and visitors to take part in this program to become more integrated into our church family.
Youth Ministry
Our youth program is continually growing. We have a yearly Vacation Bible School for the children to grow in Christ and enjoy with one another.
With events like our fall festival, youth night and Youth trips, we keep them excited and motivated.
The children of Day of Grace are loving and compassionate with a Zeal for Christ that adults can learn from.
Youth Night
Day of Grace has youth night every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Youth night begins at 6pm with a meal. Afterwards students will go to their class for lesson, craft, games etc.. Our Youth at Day of Grace are eager to learn about our Savior.
2023 Pets Unleashed VBS photos
Women's Bible Study
Day of Grace offers Women's bible studies every 4th Wednesday of the Month. Bible Study begins at 6pm with a meal. Lesson and fellowship to follow
Women’s Ministry
Our women’s group is here to enrich the lives of the women of the church as well as women in the community. We work together to serve the elderly, mothers, and children in need. With the help of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we can accomplish our missions for our church as well as our community.
We meet once a month to discuss needs and activities. Our women enjoy fellowship with one another through dinners, conferences, and many other events. Young and old alike find common ground through their desire to serve and work together.